Help For My Troubled Teen Daughter

How do you know when you need to find places to send troubled teens — specifically when it comes to your own daughter? The stakes are much higher in locating the right program to fit her needs. 


We are witnessing higher rates of depression, stress, anxiety, self-harm and sadly — suicide ideation among our young people. If you are one of these parents, you are certainly not alone.


Is your teen daughter struggling with any of the following:


  • Addicted to their cellphone, social media
  • Oppositional Defiance (ODD)
  • Authority issues, disrespectful (especially towards parents)
  • Anger control problems (rage, explosive)
  • Low self-esteem
  • Poor decision-making skills
  • Thinking errors – blaming, rationalizing, avoid taking responsibility, entitlement.
  • Negative peer choices
  • Trauma, PTSD
  • ADHD, Conduct Disorder, Bipolar
  • Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)
  • Stealing or shoplifting (stealing – usually from parents)
  • Sneaking out, runaway
  • Self-harm, suicide ideation
  • Meeting people offline from the internet
  • Underachieving in school, skipping classes, school avoidance
  • Withdrawing from family and favorite activities
  • Substance use, drinking, vaping
  • Family conflict


Have you tried these things to help:


  • School counselors, therapists
  • Switching schools
  • Short-term in-patient or outpatient
  • Taking away technology, removing cellphones
  • Lectures, pleading
  • Mentors, teen coaches
  • Living with relatives


There are few things more frustrating than trying to help someone who does not want help. She does not see any reason to change her behavior because it is not causing enough pain and frustration now.


But if she does not get help. . . then she’s going to experience a very challenging life.  She is unlikely to complete high school let alone be able to obtain and hold a job.  It is unlikely that she will have the opportunities that you want for him.  She will struggle.


She needs more help than you can offer. . . but it is not too late.


Residential treatment can be extremely beneficial where local resources have failed. Removing your teen from the influences of negative peer groups or sometimes even family conflict can help them reflect more on what is creating their negative behavior.


These programs (therapeutic boarding schools/residential treatment centers) continue with your daughter’s education, have therapists to work on your daughter’s emotional wellbeing to help her develop coping and communication skills as well as building motivation and setting goals for her (now) bright future.


Read: Where to Send My Troubled Teenager.

Read: 5 Benefits of Boarding Schools for Troubled Teens.


Contact us today for a free consultation to find the right therapeutic boarding school for your daughter.

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Family consultants help parents find reputable residential schools and treatment programs for troubled teens when they have utilized all of their local resources and are overwhelmed by their online searches.

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Many parents are at their wit’s end with the challenges of raising teenagers. If you are considering residential therapy, contact us for a free consultation.

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