How to Find the Best Therapeutic Boarding School

Parenting difficult teenagers has become an epidemic today. Are you searching for the best therapeutic boarding school for your troubled teen and feel overwhelmed by the online confusion, flashy websites and shocking tuitions?

A simple online search of “therapeutic boarding schools yields over 3 million results! Since 2001 we’ve been helping parents navigate this troubled teen industry and find safe and qualified therapeutic boarding schools for teens struggling with depression, anxiety, self-harm, cell-phone addiction, suicide ideation and more. We are now facing a mental health crisis with adolescents — this is beyond typical teenage behavior.

Choosing the best therapeutic boarding school for your teenager shouldn’t not be based on location, it should be in accordance to your child’s emotional needs and what the school offers.

Most parents search for therapeutic boarding schools close to home, without realizing that it may not be the right fit for their teen’s needs — if especially if their child is a flight risk, it causing them to constantly be tempted to elope from the program rather than focus on recovery and healing.

How to find the best therapeutic boarding schools for my teenager?

We have educated parents since 2001 about using the A.C.E. factor to determine the best therapeutic boarding school for their child. This is not about location, as it is about what is going to be most beneficial for their emotional and academic needs.

A.  Accredited academics.  Whatever school/program you are interviewing, be sure they are accredited academically. Many of these teens entering these programs are typically very smart students yet underachieving in school. It’s important they continue their education. Although we share with parents that their emotional growth is priority in these schools, academics is still important. You can ask to see a copy of their accreditation.

C. Credentialed clinical team.  Teenage mental health is a priority. Placing a distressed young teenager into a therapeutic boarding school is hard for the entire family, although therapy typically didn’t work at home, when placed into a new environment, removed from the stressors and triggers of home (as well as peer influences and devices) — the student is able to focus on themselves through both individual and group therapy. Check the credentials of the clinical team, this is also imperative if you are using your insurance. If they are not credentialed, insurance likely won’t cover it.

E. Enrichment programs. These programs are so important to help troubled teens. Enrichment programs are designed to stimulate your child in a positive direction, build self-worth to make better choices and develop coping skills. All of these extra behavior therapy programs can help teens that struggle with anger, rage, depression, anxiety and stress.

Examples of enrichment programs:

Art Therapy
Animal Assisted Therapy
Sports Therapy
Horticultural (Gardening) Therapy
Music Therapy

Finally, when you did your online search you may have stumbled on sites and reviews that gave you pause. You thought you found a program — until you read some troubling reviews or fearmongering websites about the troubled teen industry. Take a moment to learn how to analyze the troubled teen industry negative reviews

There are safe therapeutic boarding schools to help your troubled teen. Don’t allow a few bad apples to prevent your teen from getting the help they need.

Also read:

How to Interview Schools and Programs

How to Interview Parent References

What Happens When Your Teen Graduates a Therapeutic Program

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Many parents are at their wit’s end with the challenges of raising teenagers. If you are considering residential therapy, contact us for a free consultation.

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