Is your smart teen smoking pot and doing drugs? This is part of the challenges of good teenagers making bad choices.
We are regularly contacted by parents when they hit their wit’s end — not only because of behavioral issues of their teenager, but they find out they have been smoking pot (marijuana) or vaping it.
Whether it’s on a regular basis or for recreational purposes, the fact is, since marijuana has become legal in some states, many teens assume this means it’s a safe drug for them too.
Some parents are confused to how serious it can be. Not only for their health, but it’s having ramifications on their future too.
Is your teen being scouted for an athletic scholarship? Or are they considered for an academic one? Maybe applying for a job where drug testing is done.
Today the majority of colleges that are handing out scholarships are hiring third parties to monitor up to 4 years of social media background on their potential student. How will your teen stand-up to a Google rinse cycle? Are there any images or content of them at parties with substances? Remember, it’s not only about your GPA or athletic ability anymore — it’s about your online reputation. It’s equal to your offline character.
Quick tips to know if your teen is getting high from marijuana:
- Red eyes. Is your teen suddenly using eye drops?
- Smell. Have you noticed your teen using mouthwash or changing their clothes and using air fresheners? The smell of marijuana is very distinct and pungent. Teens will use a variety of products to cover it up.
- Lethargic. Young people using pot can become more isolated and seem depressed, as they withdraw from activities and interests they once loved.
- Friends. You may notice their peer group is changing, or they aren’t hanging out with anyone at all.
- Failing. Eventually your once smart teen is now starting to academically fail.
If you find your teen is actively using marijuana, you have won half the battle because you know what’s going on. This is a great benefit as many parents are in the dark. But what are the next steps to immediately take?
If you have a suspicion that your teenager is involved in the use of drugs, don’t hesitate to bring the subject up. The sooner the problem is identified and treated, the better the chances that your teenager’s future will be safeguarded. Raising the subject will be easier if you already have good communication in the family.
Read: Goals of Boarding Schools for Troubled Teens.
Read: 5 Benefits of Therapeutic Programs for Teens.
Read: Why My Teen Thinks It Safe to Smoke Marijuana.
Contact us today for a free consultation – we help you find the right therapeutic boarding schools for troubled teens — that continue to smoke marijuana.