Therapeutic Boarding Schools for Valhalla Teens

Are you at your wit’s end trying to find help with your troubled teenager? Researching troubled youth programs and not sure about the places to send troubled teens?


Is it time to consider a therapeutic boarding school for your troubled teen? Have you exhausted your local resources —your teen has either refused to attend therapy or has stopped engaging, the school setting isn’t working, you have tried outpatient treatment that failed? A short hospital stay was unsuccessful?


Is your teen struggling with:

Screen addiction
-Skipping classes, school refusal
Depression, anxiety
-PTSD, trauma
-Depression, anxiety, stress
-Panic attacks
-Drugs or drinking
-Eating disorders


If you’re experiencing any of the above and it’s escalated to more than the typical teenage behavior, a parent knows when they need outside resources. How do you start the process of finding the right boarding schools for troubled teens?


A simple online search for “therapeutic boarding schools” yields over 3 million results!  Where are the safe places to send troubled teens and what is best for your teen and family?


It can seem overwhelming, however with the right information you will be able to make the best choices for your teenager and family. We’re here to help.


Benefits of a Therapeutic Boarding School


Therapeutic boarding programs offer students an academic program that includes psychological counseling. The teachers at these types of programs are generally well versed in psychology, and the programs are typically overseen by a psychologist or other mental health professionals. Students in these programs usually attend therapy regularly as well as group therapy.


The goal of therapeutic boarding schools is to rehabilitate the student and make them healthy emotionally. Many therapeutic boarding schools offer additional therapies such as: animal-assisted therapy, art therapy, music therapy or horticultural therapy. These are all beneficial for helping teens learn coping skills for life, including anger and stress management.


Coming to the conclusion that your teen needs a therapeutic boarding school is a major emotional and financial decision and not to be taken lightly. We firmly believe in positive and encouraging settings, this will build your child’s self-worth to start making better choices.


Since 2001 we have been helping parents find the right therapeutic setting for their teen’s individual needs. Contact us for a free consultation.


Read: 5 Benefits of Boarding Schools for Troubled Teens.

Read: Are Therapeutic Boarding Schools Effective?


Contact us for a free consultation to find the right therapeutic boarding school for your Valhalla troubled teen.


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Family consultants help parents find reputable residential schools and treatment programs for troubled teens when they have utilized all of their local resources and are overwhelmed by their online searches.

Contact us today for a free consultation.

Many parents are at their wit’s end with the challenges of raising teenagers. If you are considering residential therapy, contact us for a free consultation.

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