Why Does My Smart Teen Skip School

Is your smart teen skipping school or refusing to go to school? Some students do tend to skip classes due to the symptoms of anxiety.

Skipping classes due to anxiety can be looked at as a valid reason due to the disturbing and uncomforting thoughts and feelings that are associated with it.

Anxiety can often stop students from going to school and engaging with other students and school-related activities.

Some families tend to understand the discomfort that is associated with anxiety whereas some tend to blame the student for their lack of seriousness and responsibility.

Anxiety can often stop students from going to school and engaging with other students and school-related activities. Some families tend to understand the discomfort that is associated with anxiety whereas some tend to blame the student for their lack of seriousness and responsibility. School refusal and avoidance has become a concern for many young people.

Some physical symptoms of skipping class due to anxiety displayed by students are:

  • Dizziness, headaches, nausea
  • Vomiting, diarrhea
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Increased heart rate
  • Chest pains
  • Stomach pains

 Behavioral symptoms include:

  • Explosive temperament
  • Crying, sadness
  • Anger or rage outbursts
  • Threats to hurt themselves.

What are the causes of skipping classes due to anxiety?

Family environment: Stressful events or a dysfunctional family can cause teens to feel compelled to stay home. A teenager may refuse to leave a parent who is ill or who has a substance abuse problem.

Demanding school environment:  It is not uncommon for middle and high school students to become school refusers because they are afraid of violence either at school or on the way to school, afraid of failing academically, or have been repeatedly bullied or humiliated.

What are the ways to deal with school anxiety?

It is important for the students to deal with anxiety in an effective manner to avoid skipping school consistently.

Some techniques that one can adopt to manage this anxiety and get back to normal are:

-Talk about your feelings: The first and the most effective way is to convey how you are feeling to your family and friends and seek help when offered by them. This is only possible by shadowing the thoughts of being labelled as weak upon sharing one’s feelings.

Read – Tips on How to Talk to Your Teen.

-Stay away from the identifiable triggers: It is safe to say that anxiety is contagious in nature and more environmental and situation-driven, keeping distance from identifiable triggers can help in anxiety that results in skipping classes.

-Take a break: It’s important to understand that spending most of your time at school and meeting academic demands might disrupt an individual’s life balance. It’s necessary to take some time off from school or college work and indulge in pleasurable activities to restore a balance between classes and personal life.

Concentrate on the positives: Try to list out and concentrate on the positives of school or college and personal life.

Also read:

My Teen Refuses to Go To School

5 Benefits of Boarding Schools for Teens


If your teen is struggling with school refusal, phobia, anxiety or any mental health issues that you have exhausted your local resources with trying to find help, contact us today to find out more about the benefits of residential treatment for teen help in getting your child back on the right track.

Help Your Teens With

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Many parents are at their wit’s end with the challenges of raising teenagers. If you are considering residential therapy, contact us for a free consultation.

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