Single Child Insurance Policy for Mental Health — Insurance
If you live in the following states, AZ, CO, FL, IL, KS, MO, NC, TN, UT, and VA, Cigna Health Insurance offers a single child mental health insurance policy. Call for more information – (800) 244-6224.
Note that open enrollment for these policies are usually only offered once or twice a year. You can also ask the school or program you are considering if they accept this policy.
Other insurance companies, such as Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield and United Healthcare may also offer this. It’s important to apply during their open enrollment, which usually starts on November 1st through January 15th. If you aren’t listed in the states above, you may want to contact the providers to ask if they have expanded into your area yet.
Insurance Assistance
Need help filing your medical insurance?
Denials Management, Inc. or SJ Health Insurance Advocates are insurance advocates that can help you fully investigate your potential insurance options. Contact them directly for more information.
Medicaid, HMO or Tricare Insurance
For families that have Medicaid, HMO or a Tricare health insurance policy, and you would like your medical benefits to cover your child’s behavioral modification program — please contact the number on your insurance card and ask them for residential treatment centers in your network. This way you will have coverage. Self-pay programs start at about $7000 per month and up. They usually will only accept PPO insurance policies.
Tricare may cover for some private programs. You can ask the program you are considering if they accept your Tricare policy, by running a verification of benefits (VOB).
HMO’s offer single case pay agreements (SCA).
A Single Case Agreement (SCA) is a contract between an insurance company and an out-of-network provider for a specific patient, so that the patient can see that provider using their in-network benefits (i.e., the patient will only have to pay their routine in-network co-pays for sessions after meeting their in-network deductible (if any).
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