Is your teen struggling with depression, anxiety, smart — yet failing in school? Possibly refusing to attend classes? Are they becoming withdrawn from family and
Help for struggling young adult teenagers has become a growing concern among parents across the country. Whether it’s not having goals, lacking social skills, substance use
Is your teen refusing to go to school? Are they facing truancy? Truancy is a term used to describe any intentional unauthorized absence from compulsory
How do I deal with my teen’s explosive behavior, they are literally destroying our home! Is your teen’s explosive behavior destroying your family? Maybe you removed their
Have you noticed your teen becoming more withdrawn? Isolating themselves to their bedrooms or shutting down from family functions? A growing body of research shows
Making the decision to choose a therapeutic boarding school for your problem teen is a major emotional and financial decision. One big question parents want
Are you struggling with your teenager smoking marijuana, regularly or even recreationally? Do they believe since it’s legal in many states that it’s not harmful?