How to find an educational advisor for my teen that needs a therapeutic boarding school?
Are you considering hiring an educational advisor (aka educational consultant) to find the right therapeutic boarding school for your troubled teen?
Did you realize they cost about $6000-8000.00 for their service? As much as you are trying to ignore or just say it is typical teen behavior, you notice your teen is withdrawing from the family, failing in school, possibly vaping, smoking pot, addicted to their screens and overall have become a child you no longer recognize with a personality that is defiant and totally disrespectful the the family boundaries – what do you do?
If you have reached your wit’s end and now surfing the internet for help, one internet search for “schools for troubled teens” yields over 14 million results! How will you find a safe therapeutic boarding school for your teen?
Here are some quick tips for researching:
- Your child is not for sale, try to avoid those marketing arms selling you a list of programs that are not in the best interest of your child’s individual needs.
- Always speak with an owner or director – Someone that has a vested in your teen’s recovery. Their reputation is on the line.
- Wilderness and other short term programs are usually nothing more than a band-aid that will fall off as quickly as the program lasted. They are expensive camping trips and in most cases the wilderness program will tell you at about 4 weeks that your teen will need to continue on to a longer term program. Yes, now you go back to the research board and worse than that, your teen will be deflated when he finds out he/she isn’t coming home in 6-9 weeks as they were lead to believe – and they will be starting all over again with a new therapist – new schedule – and new setting. Don’t get caught up in this “shuffle.” Start and finish with the same school/program.
- The average stay should be about 6-9-12 months, depending on your teen. Anything less is likely non-effective. Anything more, you may be creating abandonment issues in our opinion. Consider this, it didn’t take 4-9 weeks to get to where you are today, it’s not going to take this short of time to turn it around.
- Do you really need to pay Educational Consultant? Probably not. You are the parent and no one knows your teen better than you do – with a few solid and intelligent resources, you will be able to make some sound choices. We have helped parents that have hired EC’s — only to hear that we have given them more valuable information in 15 minutes than their EC gave them at all. We assisted parents where their teen were placed in programs by EC’s that failed, and we were better able to understand their needs — why? Because we have walked this journey — literally.
Read: 5 Benefits of Boarding Schools.
Read: Why Therapeutic Boarding Schools Are Effective.
Read: Where to Send My Troubled Teen.
Read: The Trouble With Teen Help Troubled Teen Reviews.
Please contact us for a free consultation to help you find the right therapeutic boarding school for your troubled teen.