Family Consultants

Family consultants help parents find safe schools for troubled teens when they have exhausted their local resources and are overwhelmed by their online searches.

A simple online search for “schools for troubled teens” yields nearly 5 million results. P.U.R.E.™ is a service to parents and families to educate them with finding the right places to send their troubled teens. The internet has become very challenging for parents, especially with the overwhelming bad press and fearmongering sites regarding the teen help industry.

In 2001, Sue Scheff founded Parent’s Universal Resources Experts. She has worked with many parent advocates through the years. Marie Payne has been with Sue nearly since the inception of P.U.RE.™ and for decades has been an advocate in helping parents find the right therapeutic boarding school for their teenager or young adult. In 2019, Donna Ross, joined the team of P.U.R.E™ as a Family Consultant.

Take a moment to learn more about Sue, Marie and Donna. Together they continue helping families throughout the country every week.

Parent’s Universal Resource Experts’ mission is bringing families back together.

This industry is extremely competitive and can be very confusing. The “desperate parent is at high risk of making wrong decisions that may be detrimental to you and your child. Since we were once in that position, we want you to take comfort in the fact that you are not alone and give you the opportunity to learn from our experiences and more importantly, gain from our knowledge.

We educate parents about therapeutic boarding schools, residential treatment centers, wilderness programs, and what will be right for your difficult teenager. 

Meet Us:

Sue Scheff

Susan Scheff redSue Scheff,  a nationally recognized Author, Parent Advocate, and Family Internet Safety Advocate, has over two decades of experience in the teen help field.  She has helped educate thousands of parents, schools, teachers, guidance counselors, police departments, and other areas that need help with at-risk teens.  As a parent of a troubled teen, she was once a victim of the daunting Internet and the less-than-ethical marketing arms.

After winning a major landmark lawsuit, with a jury verdict of over $11M for damages, she continues to be a voice in the confusing big business of troubled teen boarding schools and programs.  She is often criticized for her strong opinions, however, they are what helps you, as a parent, help your teenager in finding what is best for your family. Scheff is also the author of the critically acclaimed book, Wit’s End! A Parent’s True Story, Advice and Resources for Helping Your Out-of-Control Teen, published by Health Communications, Inc (HCI).

Her second book, also published by HCI, Google Bomb: The Untold Story of the $11.3M Verdict That Changed the Way We Use the Internet,  outlines how the Internet can be a lethal weapon. It’s why Sue Scheff is passionate about educating people about digital citizenship, online safety, and reputation. In October 2017, Sue Scheff released her third bestselling book, Shame Nation: The Global Epidemic of Online Hate (Sourcebooks) with a featured foreword by Monica Lewinsky.

Sue Scheff has been featured on ABC News, 20/20, The Rachel Ray Show, Dr. Phil, CBS Nightly News with Katie Couric, Lifetime, Fox News, The Mel Robbins Show, CBS Early Show, GMA, CBC, BBC, CNN Headline News, Lifetime, InSession Court TV and noted in major publications as USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Miami Herald, Forbes, Sun-Sentinel, Asian Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, LA Times and many more. Sue Scheff is a contributor for Psychology Today, Today Show Parents, Huffington Post, Family Online Safety Institute, Stop Medicine Abuse, Your Teen Magazine, Ten to Twenty Parenting, and many more.


Marie Payne

Marie Payne has been involved with helping parents and families for over 30 years. She has visited and interviewed dozens of therapeutic boarding schools and residential treatment centers in Utah and around the country. As a mother of 6 daughters and many grandchildren, she knows the importance of family values and why parents are searching for the right solution for their troubled teenager — she understands it is about positive and encouraging settings to help promote change.

“Many of the moms and dads I have spoken with over the years have good kids that are make really bad choices. They are smart and not working up to their potential, sometimes removing them from their home environment, devices, or toxic friendships into an emotional growth setting can truly promote inner change.”

Marie joined P.U.R.E.™ in early 2001 with a vast experience in the teen help industry as both a parent advocate and admissions director. For decades she has been a light for many parents with troubled teens, helping them sort through many decisions on what is right for their individual needs. Marie’s compassion and dedication is what makes her one of the leaders as a Family Consultant.

Marie has retired in 2023.


Donna Ross

Donna Ross joined Parents Universal Resource Experts in the spring of 2019. After a long career as a successful entrepreneur, and raising two children, she used the services of P.U.RE.™ years ago and realized how important it is to have someone there for you when you are most vulnerable. “Being able to have someone understand what I was going through with my out-of-control teenager helped me realize I wasn’t alone,” Donna shared with us years ago. “P.U.R.E. was there for us when we needed them, answering the tough questions and giving us sound advice.”

Many organizations are founded by people that have had negative experiences in the teen help industry, but Donna was fortunate to have worked with P.U.R.E. years ago, and with their help, located a safe and quality school for her teenager. She is familiar with how a good program can work with families – firsthand. She can help educate you and share her own experiences with you. Donna is busy learning and visiting more schools and programs in our country to keep you better informed. She is dedicated to helping others, like yourself, by educating you when you are facing this major decision of choosing residential therapy.

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Also read:

5 Benefits of Therapeutic Boarding Schools

How to Interview Schools for Troubled Teens


Contact us today for a free consultation. Read our decades of parent testimonials and professional references.

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Family consultants help parents find reputable residential schools and treatment programs for troubled teens when they have utilized all of their local resources and are overwhelmed by their online searches.

Contact us today for a free consultation.