Local therapy is a good place to start for children who are struggling at home and in school. To locate a local therapist, it is beneficial to contact your insurance company for a list of adolescent therapists in your area.
If you don’t have insurance when calling therapists, ask them if they accept sliding scales according to your income. Ask your pediatrician or family doctor for a referral. Find a Therapist through Psychologist Today offers good guidance on how to find a therapist that will meet your teen’s and family’s needs.
In many states, when families don’t have insurance or resources, United Way will have programs set-up for families with at-risk teens. Call your local office for more information.
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Success Rates of Therapeutic Boarding Schools
After you have exhausted your local resources and believe your teen needs residential therapy, P.U.R.E.™ invites you to fill out a free consultation form for more information on finding the appropriate help for your teen.
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