Programs for Troubled Teens in Millbrook

Are you dealing with a defiant, entitled troubled teen in Millbrook? Parenting difficult teenagers has become a silent epidemic.


Since 2020 teen depression and anxiety has doubled. Experts are pointing to excess screen-time as part of the cause.


Are you facing:


-Teen depression, anxiety, stress
Entitlement, rude, disrespectful
-Teen defiance, rage, rebellious
-Internet addiction (cell-phone or video gaming)
-Drifted from your family values
-Teenage substance use, drinking, vaping
-Withdrawn, isolation – not participating in family functions
-Changing peer groups
-Self-harm, suicide ideation
Stealing, lying, manipulating
-Property destruction, explosive behavior


If you are experiencing a few of these behavior issues, it can be extremely challenging and you can feel like you’re being held hostage in your home by a defiant and entitled teenager. Are you searching for schools for troubled teens? Where are the safe places to send troubled teens?


Since 2001 P.U.R.E.™ has been educating parents and communities about help for troubled teens. This industry is extremely competitive and can be very confusing to the desperate parent. Without the right knowledge, sifting through the internet for the right therapeutic boarding school for your teen can be daunting.


A simple online search of “schools for troubled teens” yields over 11 million results! How do you find safe places to send troubled teens?


We were once in that position, we understand the stress and apprehension you are feeling and  want you to know you are not alone and give you the opportunity to learn from our experiences and more importantly, gain from our knowledge.


If you are visiting our website, it’s likely your teen or young adult is struggling and you are considering alternative options. You may not be familiar with how to research these specialty boarding schools and programs. You are probably thinking, “Will my teen hate me if we send them away?” One big question is, “How will we get them there, they don’t want to go.”


We can help you make this big decision.


We believe in finding a positive and encouraging setting for your teen. Placing a negative child into a punitive or primitive environment can usually build anger and resentment. Most of these young people are typically suffering with low-self worth – it’s time to find placement that enhances their self-esteem and starts building them back up to make better choices.


Although many parents believe that finding a school or program near their home is a priority, we help you understand that this is only a snapshot of their entire life. Yet one of the most important parts of their life that will have a major impact on both their emotional and educational future. It’s imperative you select a program that best fits their needs and not your geographical convenience.


Whether you’re considering a wilderness program, therapeutic boarding school or residential treatment center, this is a major emotional and financial decision. We help families make the right choice for their individual needs.


Read: 5 Benefits of Boarding Schools for Troubled Teens.

Read: How to Find Safe Programs for Troubled Teens.

Read: Why Residential Treatment Can Work When Home Therapy Fails.


Contact us for a free consultation to learn more about finding the right therapeutic boarding school for your teen in Millbrook, NY.

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Family consultants help parents find reputable residential schools and treatment programs for troubled teens when they have utilized all of their local resources and are overwhelmed by their online searches.

Contact us today for a free consultation.

Many parents are at their wit’s end with the challenges of raising teenagers. If you are considering residential therapy, contact us for a free consultation.

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