Do you have a defiant teen and need help? Are you searching for places to send troubled teens?
Does any of these behaviors describe your teen?
-Defiance, rage, rebellion
-Bipolar, mood disorders
–Underachieving, skipping classes, school refusal
-Depression, anxiety
–Internet addiction (cell-phone or video gaming)
-Teen drug use, drinking, vaping
–Withdrawn, isolation – not participating in family functions
–Changing peer groups
–Self-harm, suicide ideation
-Stealing, lying, manipulating
-Drifted from your family values
-Property destruction, explosive behavior
When will you know it’s time for residential therapy?
1. Have you exhausted all your local resources? From using local therapy to extending into outpatient teens can be easily shut-down. Although we know that many times it’s difficult to get a teen to open up to therapist – or even attend a session, parents need to know they at least tried. When in residential therapy, the entire program evolves around their emotional wellness, 24/7. Being removed from their negativity – helps tremendously.
2. Living with a relative. Some families have attempted to move the troubled teen to a relative. Again, sometimes this works – and others it can be a band-aid, however it can help you make that decision that you have exhausted your local resources before you decide to choose residential.
3. Is your teen a danger to themselves or other people (you)? Has your child become violent towards you or themselves? This is when you know it’s time to start researching for residential therapy. It’s not working at home.
4. Do you feel like you are hostage in your home by their behavior? Do you feel like you are walking on egg shells? Being careful about what you say or how you act for fear they may become explosive? Again, this is a red flag it may be time for residential therapy.
Read: Causes of Teenage Mental Health Issues.
Read: 5 Benefits of Boarding Schools for Troubled Teens.
Contact us for a free consultation. We help you find the right boarding school for your defiant teen.
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