Hi Sue, I realize that you are busy and in contact with many people. That doesn’t matter – I just wanted to send you a note and thank you for making such an impact on my family’s life. On November 8 2019, I placed a call to the number listed on helpyourteens.com. To my surprise, you answered the phone. I shared my story with you – my son was spinning out of control. He had become withdrawn, depressed, disinterested in school and sports, using drugs, negative friends, leaving home for days at a time. My son is gay and had been meeting adult males online, putting himself in very dangerous situations. You listened to every word I said, provided some reassuring words of wisdom and confirmed that I would be doing the right thing by seeking help for my son…. I feel so lucky to have made contact with you that morning and so thankful you told me about [redacted for privacy]. I’m certain that my son would not be where he is today if it wasn’t for you answering that phone call and for the wonderful people at [redacted for privacy]. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and share your knowledge. You are making a difference and have made a difference for someone very important in this world – my son.

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