Your teenager has been with you all their life, but now, they’re ready to move on to the next step: university. How do you make sure they are prepared for the challenges they will certainly face as they navigate university life? One way is by fostering a growth mindset in them, teaching them to take charge of their life. Be independent!
To do that, however, you have to first understand that your teenager’s brain is at its remodeling stage. At this stage, their brain becomes more equipped for life as an independent adult. Let’s look at what it means to foster and how to develop a growth mindset in your university-ripe teenager, as well as some parenting tips to consider.
What It Means to Have a Growth Mindset as a Teen

Having a growth mindset as a teen means believing that you can improve your intelligence and abilities with the right strategies. A teenager with a growth mindset doesn’t cower under their mistakes; they instead see them as an opportunity to improve.
Also, a university student with a growth mindset uses every opportunity to learn. Although, it can sometimes mean hiring a ghostwriter for their assignments. A teenager having a growth mindset means realizing that you need more than brains and talent to excel in life. More so, they understand that they can grow their abilities through dedication and perseverance, thus creating a passion for learning.
The Importance of Starting University Life with a Growth Mindset
The benefits of developing a growth mindset in education go beyond just getting good grades on tests and exams. Beyond what you learn in the university, a growth mindset helps you embrace lifelong learning and develop a passion for acquiring knowledge. Below is a checklist of the many benefits your teenager will gain when they start university life with a growth mindset:
- They perform better academically than their peers with a fixed mindset
- They have better career prospects
- They are able to build more robust relationships, both personal and professional.
- They retain what they’ve been taught better and for longer with a growth mindset.
- They become stronger and more resilient and devise creative measures to proffer solutions to problems.
- They are not afraid to dive into challenging projects; they are eager for it, in fact.
- They’re willing to try and try again until they achieve the results they’re looking for
How to Help Your Teen Develop a Growth Mindset for a Successful University Journey
Working with your teenager to develop a growth mindset before they enter university tells them you’re on their side. When they know that, they will involve you in every step of their university journey, seeking guidance where needed. Therefore, here are valuable tips that can help you raise growth mindset kids ready for university life:
- Help Them Understand Their Brain
You’ve helped your kid understand their body; now, it’s time to help them understand their brain. Explore facts about the brain together through related books and videos, including how the brain processes new information and expresses feelings. Learn about neuroplasticity and remind your teen that their brain can improve old skills and learn new ones throughout their lifetime.
- Keep This Conversation Going
Don’t mind that your teenager is ignoring, tuning out, or pushing back on your lectures on growth mindset. Instead, find ways you can make it more interesting for them – like incorporating it into your household vocabulary. Furthermore, avoid forcing the conversation; let it be open-ended instead, and don’t forget to let them see an example in you!
- Brainstorm Solutions as a Team
When your teenager encounters challenges on their journey to independence, be their cheerleader rather than their director. It’s easy to tell your child to ask for extra credits when they don’t do well on a test. However, the better option would be to walk with them through what happened and brainstorm solutions together. Moreover, this way, you’ll be able to identify and address areas your teen is lacking and needs help.
Fostering a growth mindset in your teenager is vital if you want them to excel as they start their university journey. These tips will not only help your child develop a healthy, growth mindset; they also ensure you, their parents, are involved.
Also read:
Helping Teens Build Self-Confidence
How to Help My Underachieving Teen
Image source: Unsplash, Element5 Digital