Setting up an effective study routine is crucial if you want to aid your teenager in improving their ability and overall academic performance. Good study habits don’t always come naturally to kids and teens, sometimes they need to be taught to develop strong note-taking skills that will support them throughout their educational journey.
Sticking to a routine can help students of all ages gain confidence and develop necessary life skills. You can help yours identify what is the best time to study and become more organized and systematic in their studies by establishing a regular study plan and setting clear goals.

It is important to remember that there is no one size fits all approach for learning how to study effectively. Every student has different strengths, so it’s good to remember that what might work for one student may not work for another.
Ways to improve your teen’s study habits
1. Organization is key to success. Using a planner is valuable tool for organizing due dates as well as writing down homework, tests, and assignments as soon as they are assigned will ensure they aren’t forgotten.
Using a calendar, planner, or checklist will help your teen keep track of how much they have to accomplish each day and their progress on each task.
Organization is the first step in developing good study habits. Once your child understands what they need to do, it becomes easier to focus on how they will do it.
2. Know your teacher’s expectations. Most high school teachers will provide your teen with course outlines and syllabi. These resources exist to help your child understand their teachers’ expectations. If your teen has questions about something, reassure them it’s okay to ask their teacher for help. This will help them clarify any misunderstandings.
3. Studying space (location). Where your teen chooses to study can have a significant impact on how effectively they work. Some teens study better at school, maybe at the library, while others will do better at home in low traffic areas away from distractions. Maybe your child prefers to study with someone nearby in case they need help such as a study buddy or possibly a tutor.
4. Learning effective note taking strategies. Once your teen understands what their teacher expects of them and how to get organized, it’s time to become a note-taking master. There are many note-taking methods for students because teachers are likely to lecture for the majority of class time.
Your teen will need to pull out the most impactful points from the general information provided. Students should not be aiming to write down every word (since this would be next to impossible), but rather, they should be actively listening and gathering main points from what their teacher is saying. A good study tip for teenagers is to compare notes with their classmates to ensure that everyone has the most relevant pieces of information.
Some techniques teens uses are: Underlining or highlighting keywords.
5. Take a break. Taking breaks is probably the most critical part of developing good study and note-taking habits.
Your teen might try to convince you that it is essential for them to pull an all-nighter before a big test, but this is a huge mistake and can lead to the negative effects associated with overstudying. Sleep is necessary, and your child should be aiming to get the recommended eight to ten hours of sleep every night so that they have the energy to tackle the day.
In conclusion learning effective study strategies can reduce your teen’s stress about school and improve grades. And it may even help both of you avoid battles over homework.
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The Risk of Not Getting My Teen Help
Image attribution: Freepik wayhomestudio