Parenting An Underachieving Teen With Homework

Adolescence is one of the most challenging periods in the life of a child and his loved ones. Children stop listening to their parents at this age, and they try to reach their children in vain. Any child psychologist will tell you that their attitude towards learning can change when a child reaches adolescence. Educational activities are often pushed to the background. The main reason why a teenager goes to school is communication. Relationships with classmates and other peers come first.

In grades 8-10, a child may start skipping classes, stop doing homework, and get bad grades. During this period, children’s relationships with adults often deteriorate. If the child lacks adequate motivation to study and stops doing homework independently, a decline in academic performance is inevitable. Because of this, there are problems with teachers and then with parents.

A teenager loses the desire to learn. Pressure from parents only increases aggression. Then ignorance of the educational material accumulates as a snowball, and an indifferent attitude towards learning arises. At this time, the main thing is not to lose a trusting relationship with your child.

Reasons for a decrease in interest in studying in a teenager

Adolescence is a more difficult period than childhood. Children perceive learning with interest in elementary grades and diligently absorb new knowledge. As they grow older, many new attractions appear in their life. The vast majority of parents use an authoritarian model in education. But sometimes teenagers need help.

For example, if too much homework is given at school, it is not surprising that a teenager will lose all interest. In this case, parent help with homework is essential. The parents often require help completing school assignments, but they can get help online. Many platforms like EduBirdie can significantly improve a child’s academic performance and help with thelir homework. When a teenager starts getting good grades, it motivates him to study. Of course, there may be other reasons for lower academic performance.

Psychological experiences of a personal nature

Conflicts over participation in the company or class typically begin in the teenage period, and the first feeling of falling in love comes. Moral discomfort affects well-being as insomnia, nervousness, and absent-mindedness appear.

Countless loads

Some parents burden their children with language and optional classes and sports sections. They only increase nervous tension and prevent you from focusing on acquiring basic knowledge.

Problems in the family

Many parents treat the child as a toddler and do not take his opinion seriously. Teenagers painfully experience quarrels and quarrels between adults, and divorce becomes the cause of the strongest stress.

Diseases of the nervous system

Doctors explain that some abnormalities and pathologies do not manifest until a specific period. Delays in mental development can be corrected in preschool age, but sometimes years later, consequences arise in the form of restlessness, lack of attention, and increased irritability. With the appearance of such problems, consultation with an endocrinologist may be necessary.

Psychotype of the child

During the period of hormonal imbalance, character traits begin to manifest actively. It is essential to notice in time what a teenager is drawn to. It is necessary to develop it in humanities or exact sciences. Many examples of brilliant physicists and biologists did not fully master spelling rules.

Parental pressure in choosing a further profession

Due to his age and lack of life experience, the child does not understand the full significance of this period and does not think about the consequences of a careless attitude to education. It is challenging to convey to adults all the advantages of classes in English or geography from the point of view of studying at an institute and building a career.

Lack of motivation

A teenager cannot show his abilities and open up to his full potential. He considers himself untalented and does not want to fight laziness. He justifies his poor grades by saying that teachers do not notice his corrections and do not give him a chance to improve.

Parental pressure in choosing a further profession

Due to his age and lack of life experience, the child needs to understand the full significance of this period. He does not think about the consequences of a careless attitude to education. 

How to convince a teenager to study

With the appearance of problems with learning, it is important for parents not to aggravate the situation by resorting to numerous reproaches and morals. It has been proven that threats and prohibitions cannot correct the problem. There is a program to convince teenagers to learn and fall in love with school again. It consists of several steps that parents can try themselves.

Gain trust

It is necessary to carefully win the child’s trust and reveal his feelings and interests. The method of intimidation and pressure won’t work. Daily communication should become a tradition. Parents can help to find something exciting to study and be helpful for the future. It is essential for a child to feel closeness and support. Participating in organizing trips and hikes from the sections the child attends is beneficial.

Motivate a teenager who doesn’t care

It is essential to praise the child and thank him for his help. In challenging situations, motivation can be the first job. At 14-16, a teenager can be hired to post ads or be offered other unskilled work. It is the best way to get acquainted with adult life and responsibility.

Help a teenager struggling in school do homework

It is essential to help the child properly allocate time between lessons and hobbies so that he stays calm. During exams or complex testing, monitoring proper nutrition, providing vitamin complexes, and creating conditions for rest is necessary.

Signs that your child needs professional help

Sometimes even the most responsible parents may be unable to motivate their children to learn. In this case, you should consult a psychologist. If you have done everything possible, and the teenager is still in a state of apathy or depression, you should contact a specialist. Some parents do not believe in psychotherapy and consider it a waste of time. But every so often, it is even worth sending a child to a particular school. There, the child will be surrounded by the same teenagers. Thus, it will positively affect her behavior and life in general.

Interaction with teenagers is a complex process that requires patience from each party. In the teenage period, new authorities appear in the child’s life, and first, love and vivid passions arise. Learning lessons becomes uninteresting because it interferes with communication and walks with friends. Many of us make communication mistakes with teenagers, which only worsens family relations and negatively affects education.

It is essential to understand that interest in learning will manifest after a period of time. Sometimes it takes a long time to work with parents, who must rebuild relationships between themselves and within the family. It is essential to show utmost patience, not to force learning or trying therapy.

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My Teen Is Refusing School.

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If your teen is struggling in school and you have exhausted your local resources, contact us to learn more about the benefits of therapeutic boarding schools.

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